Flu Vaccine
The seasonal flu vaccine changes every year and is specific to the winter of that particular year. It should be taken between September and October for maximum protection.
Vaccination is strongly recommended for:
- Persons aged 65 and over
- Those aged 6 months and older with a long-term health condition such as
- Chronic heart disease
- Chronic liver disease
- Chronic renal failure
- Chronic respiratory disease, including cystic fibrosis, moderate or severe asthma or bronchopulmonary dysplasia
- Chronic neurological disease including multiple sclerosis, hereditary and degenerative disorders of the central nervous system
- Diabetes mellitus
- Down syndrome
- Haemoglobinopathies
- Morbid obesity i.e. body mass index over 40
- Immunosuppression due to disease or treatment, including asplenia or splenic dysfunction
- Children aged 6 months and older
- with any condition (e.g. cognitive dysfunction, spinal cord injury, seizure disorder, or other neuromuscular disorder) that can compromise respiratory function especially those attending special schools/day centres with moderate to severe neurodevelopmental disorders such as cerebral palsy and intellectual disability
- on long-term aspirin therapy (because of the risk of Reyes syndrome)
- Pregnant women (vaccine can be given at any stage of pregnancy)
- Healthcare workers
- Residents of nursing homes and other long stay institutions
- Carers
- People with regular contact with pigs, poultry or water fowl.
Please contact reception to make your Flu Vaccine appointment.